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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A short story

Alia crossed the river in her muddy squishy shoes. She didn't know where she was, or how she got there. All she remembered was playing in her backyard with her dog Nelly. She had threw the chew toy into the woods so that Nelly could have a challenge of getting it. About 15 minutes later, Alia realized that Nelly hadn't come back. So she set of into the woods to go looking for her. Alia wasn't supposed to go into the woods by herself. After her brother Kevin vanished into the woods last year, her dad told her she wasn't aloud in the woods by herself because she was only 12 years old. But Nelly hadn't come back yet, so she quietly and quickly ran into the woods in search for Nelly.
As soon as she finished crossing the river, her shoes and socks were soaked. Alia crossed her arms over her chest and started walking through the woods. It had been five minutes already and she hadn't come cross Nelly. Alia started yelling for her dog  and she started to walk faster. What if she didn't find Nelly? What if she was lost and would never find her way back to the house? What if a monster came up out of no where and attacked her. Alia didn't want those things to happen, so she started running. She kept calling for Nelly but she never saw her. Alia soon heard nosies up in the misty sky, and she heard little cracks of branches on the ground. Alia was so scared, that she didn't look where she was going and tripped over a rock and fell to the ground. Instantly she cried and cried and she couldn't stop. She was soo scared and all she wanted was to find Nelly and go home. But she was lost, and she doubted herself that she would get home. After about a minute of silence, there was a sound coming from behind her. Alia quickly got up on her feet to see Nelly standing there, panting. Alia smiled and ran to her dog. She got down on one knee and hugged her. "Nelly, oh im so glad i found you. Lets go home now, the woods is a very scary place" When Alia stood up, Nelly took off running toward a direction. "Nelly!!" She took off running after her. When Nelly finally slowed down, they were at a small run down house. It seemed like no one lived there, but there was smoke coming out of the chimeny. ALia quickly took Nelly's collar and started heading back but she then heard a creaking sound coming from the house. She turned around and saw a man standing on that tiny porch. Alia froze. She was to scared to move. But after a couple of minutes, she realized who the man was. She hadn't seen him for almost her whole life, and she was very confused about this. She thought this man was lost forever.

My creative writing

I am currently working on my new story right now but I have many many short stories I would like to post. :P I hope you will like them :)